Xbox Elite controller | E3 2015
Ya esperabamos sorpresas muy interesantes por parte de Microsoft para la consola Xbox One y ahora nos soprenden con el nuevo control Xbox Elite Controller, que lo hace mas robusto y ágil para poder tener un mayor control en unos devastadores juegos, es lo mas sexy que hemos visto en mucho tiempo, ya queremos probarlo, totalmente compatible con la consola Xbox One y Windows 10, que aún no sale, aqui la galería e imágenes, traten de mantener cerrada la boca al verlo.
We were expecting some really hot hot hot news about Microsoft for the Xbox One Console and now the surprise is with the new Xbox Elite Controller, that make it awesome, agile, to gain more power in our control in some devastating games, its the most sexy thing we seen in a long time, we want to play with this,fully compatible with the Xbox One Console and the Windows 10 not yet released, here is the gallery and images, try to keep your mouth shut, while your watching this.